Adria Rewards

If you stake with us you are eligible for rewards on top of your ADA. Minimum requirements are to stake at least one epoch and to have miniumum 100 ADA staked.

Current rewards

Currently we have following rewards, for users that stake one epoch and more. Every epoch:
- anetaBTC - 0.00005 cNeta per 1 ADA staked (From Epoch 328 until 338)
- WMT (World mobile token) - 0.00004 WMT per 1 ADA staked
- Hosky token 2 Millions
- Bison token 2 Millions
Additionaly we will award random delegator with Sundae tokens (0.00005 Sundae per 1 ADA staked, minimum 100)

How to claim Adria Stake pool rewards

If you have staked more than one full epoch with us you can claim your rewards through:


You just need to enter you stake or payment address and click on “Check Rewards”. On the next page you will probably see a lot of tokens, you don’t need to claim them all if you don’t want to. Instead on the bottom you can click on “Customize Request” and choose only the one that you want to claim.

Also, to avoid fees, you don’t have to claim every epoch. Rewards will accumulate for 10 epochs, so you only need to claim once in that period. If you don’t claim your rewards for more than 10 epochs they will be gone and it will not be possible to claim them.

Winners of random Sundae Airdrop

Winners are choosen randomly by :
Epoch 325 - stake1uy00ctg0a9v0zzrcrd0avetsym933ax47yz3e9rgp0fnsgcg3lf8q
Epoch 326 - stake1u8hrteqjflegz86sw209wpjrmjwf6m677kj7g9nx7gvnhjga9ydnm
Epoch 327 - stake1u9luuwpvhlq7auxrrf2kzc4tthnpvtk9rakg6fvp0kdccjcz868gz