Cardano Adria Stake Pool

Adria is trusted high-performance ZERO fees Single Stake Pool [ticker: ADRIA] Founder of
Your reliable Cardano Stake Pool
Adria Pool is Cardano fan since 2017 and it has few goals in it's mission. One is to help decentralization and security of Cardano network. Other goals are to educate people (specially in ExYu region) about Caradano. We will do this through articles Learn Cardano and Videos in native languange for people in ExYu countries (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia). In this way we think we can contribute spreading knowledge about Cardano and bringing more people to our beautiful mission. We are founders of - website for all Cardano dapps infos and statistics. By delegating your ADA with us you will be actively contributing to Cardano ecosystem and you will earn rewards along the way.
What is staking ?
Staking is the process by which ada holders delegate the stake associated with their ada to a stake pool. Staking is similar to cryptocurrency mining in that it aids in transaction validation. For Cardano investors, staking is an easy way to earn passive income and support the stability of the Cardano network.
How can I stake my coins with Adria Stake Pool?
Check out whole process in this video : How to stake your ADA in private wallet For faster version check this video : How to stake your ADA in Yoroi easy & fast
Are my funds locked during staking ?
NO ! You are free to do with your coins anything at anytime. Delegating your stake to a pool does not put your ada at risk. You are not sending your ada, they are not locked up in a way, there is no minimum and you can still at any time add or remove ada from your wallet
Can I loose my ADA delegating to a staking pool?
No. Staking is 100% safe. You are using your right to delegate to a pool which is a separate action from transferring ADA.
How much i can expect in return ?
Usually yearly ROI is between 4,7 and 5,5 %.
What wallets I can use to stake coins ?
You can use different kind of wallets, we suggest CCVault, Yoroi or Daedalus